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Rutland Weekly Herald from Rutland, Vermont • 2

Rutland Weekly Herald from Rutland, Vermont • 2

Rutland, Vermont
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KBwyonT. (a, 1. accuit 21. 0 enjrajre ibew to make ar sgaraft ike wards of sceo (fewe jecounta fay $occ) United 5tates' I killed and a confidmb1 bomber wouri rjrafrcui rc-jallHs who I A uin M0titfreA nffhv their narlv. On the yb they were driveo'from An uc4 lubrrquent fotbee)eibnt.

All ac BALTfMoa, (MAinr.) 23. Tairietifm in'Baltimtrt CovWVi gec in -ifto piDipecc 01 A few days iince, a gentleman in this ftateceiyed a letter from hi' refidtrjg in Columbia, the frat bf of gov. eYtrtnept of the ftatc Of South CaroHba, a Teport that was fft fome time in circulation there, Jhat a ninber of French were emhodt edon the hank of the MfTifippi Waiting fnrthe alTkjliince of their friends irt XJ. States though this report- was not On Satuiday laft, the firft battalion of the firft regiraem of the of this iccmmanded by Major H'iUiam -aLpolmcal ecLtuiuon fceing on toe of 'JUNB 13. Gwyrn afleanbled for the putpofe of funiffhire their qucta of felrtrtntliOa Aafoon as the intention of 'the.

meeting a sfx plained to the tuflic- rent number irmrfOa'ejy otttrea meir kit It belit vedao Italy, iImk ihii 3 We pf. tit cbjifls of cur taped ticsf-frem Toulon. The property ai belctging to tie Ifland of 'Ma! fervicrs an vfluntcera. which rendered a draft unnecrffary AUC9T-e8. credited by perfohs of aoy mfdrmaiion, yer, the regrces were (d infatiia ed by tt that Ct'JumbiaVand itaVicinriy, they ran away frcm rheir maOeis, collected to the number of ard wereadvan.

cingto jon the Freich--A force was ordered out; and timely rocafufei taken to intercept them on their march; adsTon; (masi.) auc. B4i IBefirbf'iheS'rentb Republic. The twenty feventb regiment, under Command of Lieut CoU Taylof, agrcea-ably to regimental crderi. affembied yef. ijkmyf uvb 'yTp voop'7 ior rue VtsttffrJref coodttlji)gibeRffifn flet faio oui.leis.

It js not certain what a. terday ut three o'clock, on their ufuil parade ground, in fouth Gay Street, in On Tue(day( the Herald, (loop of rAnnfinarrrtedlbv Cao Savr an) th.1! full uniform It wai the intention of the colcnel to march the irropa to Federal "rate w'tbi plant of etjr This Pickering, brig, xomaoanded by Caotaia. Chapman, failed in cou pany on a cruizt, perform the evolutieht of the day1 hut a the afternoon icfortuiiately tlcov wtiico lauJ tq con ft of fail I III turned out tn he ratP, the laudable de- ci oe up o.u uve vi ux ingatei, is ex Martjuii Cora-WiW'ii hi day icif3 tc KippV Land, on fffnwa fruftrated, and oeceftxtily poft- Donca 'o a mere lavoraniT penoa. We are happy to find hi Vegtment. 'rim (of which place they bad ju ft tafcen pofffiTion) with great daughter, by Msj.

Gen, In the afiicn at New Rofs the irf urgent! were faid to be firong the troopi tnly 1406 -The battle ci tn menced at 4 o'clock in tbe morning, ard did not terminate till five in the evening. On the i atb an txprefa was received fromGen. Nugent, flating thai Donna-gabadce was in pcff.flion of tbe rebel, where tbcy 'were in great fotce and tbat in the notib of Ireland from Col erain to Lame, they were afT.robl'ng in tbebeft" manner they were capable of. In the French Council of Five Hundred, a propofal to open a new credit lor 1'tyret, (nearly 906:000 fleiling) for defraying the expences of he expedition agaicft Eogland, bai The ernperor of Germany ia arming. He has declared he cannot agree to the" laft propciltiona ot the Fiench mi i fieri at Raftadt and the king cf Piflia baa alfp declared they are inadmiflible.

Tbe Marquis Corn wal lit is appointed Lord Lit of 'Ireland with full powers to coerce or conciliate as circum fiances require Gen. fiuooapatte was cf? Corfica. ALIAKY, ISrTlMBIR 4. The papers from New York continue filent cn the fuhjrtt of the fever in that city, exceot the Cmtntrctal Mvtrtier(. which, acknowledges the exiftence of tbe diforder there, but adds that it is not fo alarming as reports have reprefented it.

Private lettera however, prefent, a mel-anchoUy piclure of the prevalence of the diicafe The following is anextra'V of a letter, from a gentleman in New -York, to hit friend in Albany, dated the( otn ulr. 5 The Tever lias got to foeh a height inppbib of Ire 3aDdird chief of tbe ar-rfjjy but weare fotty to fey we do not wntcn na ercounterea 10 many CDuaciet in its progrefSon, fo rapidly attafniog its former refpefiabiliry. Manyhdwever who had their 'uniforms, weredeterred by the intenfe heat of the foieooon from bear that tbe Bereilcrdi 1 aDd Clares are 40 bedifmifled. attending parade arjd ftill tnore were prevented from turniag out 1y the ap pearance of ihe cathenlig which i X)tir letters frois 0 erem paui tbe jcoupirjr are of the tcoil fainfaQory com. indicated a copioui fall -of rain in the A gb.

gun irigate is tuilding at Mr. Han't yard, nd, from whenco the ConftitutioH was 'l 1 MPORTaNT. On Saturday arKved here, the (loop' Capipheidown, Capt Disborougb, fix days from St. John's. We have ben favored tvith a 'Stjohn Aug.

7 17, containing the leafing tnlelligencs of a Briti'fh (auatjroh having fallen in with ie: Dutch fieet in the exel, con. hftingbf feventy fail of men of war and trahfports the whole of which were 1 completely routed kiad ca The fame paper fay, that the French icct had efcaped from Breft, conSitingV of thirty tail of the line and sooo tranU ports-ldeftrnation unknown. 1 Capt. Smith who arrived here day from "Figuara Spain) fays a repor was in circulation there. previous to hit failing, which ftatedthat Adm.

Neltoo'i' fleet had fallen ia with the Toulon engaged and defeated them, 4 At'teu st -Capt Freeoen vtrho arrived bh Fiiday from Jarfeillcs mfbrmi, that upwards afternoon; Notwithftanding thete un-favorable crcumftances, their numbers were and their appeaTsnee martial. The band under tho direction Mr, II. was a treat ac uifuion to the retiment, and their vol j)ielionft and toew, tbe partial tflair rwhich occurred in tbe Nertb excepted, that rebellion baa by fjb tueana extended ii itofluene, Md give 01 boper tbai itbe tit of itt greaieil Ateogt will tpeedily be that of iti inter ftom SClcoctel we learn tbar although feveial people in thai Quarter baye, been iwplu -4trd cbofpiracy againlt iheate, Ibat cor, fjpir acy feat not bf' an) am bu out in open afti of rebellion on ibe cootraiy, jjie wordi of our Vcotraf are, fTbere -ii (circcly any untary fervice from the What confolatfon mulV iraot be to Talleyrand and all his domefirtfind for eigfxoadjutors, to find our ilmfons fo rapidly increafin 1 -jLet them exfcet fraternal and vwarwt repuon-they wilnot be deceived when thy approach ut AmerKans never waded tbiouffh of an hundred ttanfportv with foldiers I iM Wood to obtain their independ- rBw--v7 1 in crart tn kn n. that the people are leavins the i fling gutb, and taking tbe oh of itnanly effortto the defpouc yoke t-f an, alegtapce number of ocr yeo- It is real; aftonrfhing to fee how change failed ftom that place to Join the 1 onion fteet.f tVa VfBtera were much ffatij; fied with bekg embaiked on ai tranimaV; rine vexpeotion, obfervingtbat1 they-hai; idng fought 'for their couu try on land, and 'wUhed'- ftoWto enjqyjorno repofdi inCead oKwhich'thcy wete tobb km ta fea fo 'he drowned, i -ThUeib'etig ed thetr minds are fence Saturday lait nany here wt.uldaflooiih ou, but tbat A 'a. tnbfe who then would own, nothing of you inuu uica it 10 account the powerful the fever, are now.

fhutting hei floret, and Temovtng heir, gooda into the coun- an everV' honeitmtn and. Wnhd lulu. A Fr foil the fs of CeUmbutirJlaps, White, the tar tH burs a'fUnt, i th9 JU '-nlU it: 1 1. A "toTL A AtiS: TbeGaoaet floup of war havtV.e fin ,1 into Connecticut. tome to hciency of tranf Xoek Ifl4n4- end other iwx NeW Jeri to lace jaims at the preienpaatrtfnt.

urerhotJgh it bahten a hule tant. 'ptntMiU tf tol c.wtt;;tetie (trtiught Sh a'hd tji boii.d. Stiie. fpuloti Beet zti Unci tbo Decsrober yet icy, 11 now nor i'ming mimmvi genera than it ever was belorr thetb hate been reat numbers cii ou4 of to wn in herlea 1 1 tnet fix in the oltrfe1; jounaeroui Tk fted her ctpife of at gh, rfMarcuioiki) Nhaniiof the ear, aera -nbout and (be duel c. Sf irnca topD -irifG -ia peuicrs Que wui owereoioas to car- of three huura 00 laft.

i in Tk- -v i- fiy ber guos between dccki.Sbeij provv toe orooertv. reJoeQabimv and'hmril 1 7. 7- John's, Fletcher; a Pearl, Water; 5 nd Front packers from New Monday the Chip Htvcn will run no longer than Satur td, or triumph in thercaufe iiJ our fove- leveriiecB uff fiat frfgaVes aijdihtee huhdtcdranfibrt Their dcftibaWri altogether omy i.wai an. Buonaparte Jaiieu the 'nex; day ia a frigate Capt, Freeman failed from Mu fiille; Maihe next day Icll in Wiih a frigate; Ad. NtEtibo rhe Captain exa.

tned veiled and detaiaedfome Faibcut-natches addreffed to the'freeChtdnful day. 1 Ycigh -an5 gloriucs corflituiion, apd in the proteHant cflat Jtibmeat.ol the At the laft dates from Philadelphia. one hundred and eleven cafes of the pre' Voltaire, 'CapC Exra Bowcn, $8 -dayi from Si -v A few dayi before the Voltaire failed frcm St Peieifbargh.a RufTun fqutdron. of five fliips of tbe line; two fiigates, and two cutters, failed it Eng. land.

Anoiher fleet of more eottftfera vailing fever were lor the then precertmc forty eight houf and the at Charlellon, May a 8, feirto.with as number of deaths reported lor the fame, ihreo ihipt ot the aud threeJrigates of the ami: Minor ci. gaW pertou, eighty two. ble force had put to fea, bat retbrneil in hiVl irltird 4 hem lnmil A. The 'failure of the late treaty between 1 tcaiiico.jutTi. iMThe ccmmahdanVf -the cannot vi -v of'theliiiehad joft'hcr 'furemaft just Thele vcflelawetewaiiinf the United States and the Cherokee In diani, fayt the Daily AdvertiferoisMit- for tbeniainCdvifion I iriDuiea to agenta oeing appomtea oy, mtt thia opportunity of exptcflipg the lively emotipnf of which ha ieels as acbtnmon citixiinof America, to lew oays.

-J-'' Thotnai Blount, 'of Nonh Carolina, brother to tbe more noibrfoua Jvyilliam Blount, fcarbeeo accufed of fcjkeVvery ferioue ctimes-s of having procured fi tuJ cfolent laud warrants by which be had obtained tbcur i The VrviU fcbooiieriletalu whe they were to purlue tbp.rrcncn i Abiut tbeibeginiiig 'rf ljMciCc Ik the. governor of Tenncilee? who wimf to ex end the purchafe beyond the lands of which theicitixensofTennfffeb were independent nation, who i again: called difpolTefTed. and to the unats horned in terference other perfonsatuated fey ion'(Iornl7'Lt Coyablf, Frtoch pri vii ai9 wmvisimwf vi twitai vvMitii lj defend the liberties which lie was Jfo peculiarly1 infhbraenul 'in gaining," aa -well as to tat-cre(s the cbmoletft ennfi. wai in at; carthagenaj vwncre a tepuis prevaUeo'i tbat in, a galeJof wind th French '-Armada; bad tort three fhipi of the TinV.anfer gale waa ona of the moll yioieht: ef et known and VHjitfJi) inka 'this true unle'fa the Fiench had 'made a haroor. j.

Cape F. favavthere was atlaiott a total nmuar views, vateer; is en tor lea, carrytog ia tuns- 5be it cotuvaoded sy Uapt Benbridge, of this city, AUGUIT Yefierday drafta -were made from the his-life junder Thougn tut lew of you my feUorfoldiers, have had the ho uvut io Uivc undtt 1 If ajk. Itonanyyauve'gaiocd under aiynia ipupjlj aod ain The following fiagular information it faid to be thofubfiance of genuine lefc, er reccit ed ycfterd ay from Pete rt Vurgh-: 1 -ru At the ltt-peninf of the LivoeStp Diet, the Laud Mirthill Sieyers, by tfie refpctiabllity Ibf hit chiratter -and the marine corps for the fhip Ganges as fchponer- RfttaiiatiorL The Ja.ier it to ttagnation or wuuiicis at ieic -Previous to hU trivi( thete had 'been no foreign arrival theie jor 1 6 m6othsi Reputabl merinos de etfive denciacion riv at they xiHaia ed. to own their.coom ry. fail ibis day on cruifeifhiippered, weu conyificea, mouiQ you-oo cailea on na -inoonts 12 ganf.

fbldtejfhip, in defence 'ycur. common I court try, -you would force of his eloquence.peirfuaded the no 'in tnr fenQfylvawa, frosi'Iiamburgb, came ooe bundled German paiTengers. '1 Sun, from Lonifonderry; www tuy 1 luiuni iui biiuy to cyirrce ino, vauuuy sirt i-peieior birth by -their generous conduct tne were declared to. be no. longer the property of eftaeViipan Ofce, ana the pupila Of the jU.

tiU fjf'wisWi to every inan or ih. gatrijo, as exptefled inithe fdnimantiirigcficcrsordera ot yeftcrday. iiift 'week afcow belonging, to VfrV 1 Slovens oijbu town, run mad, and died io 'extreme iorture. which they correct It cannot DO ilcriiuiu.iH.iue vuw had been pieriouflf Cbittcn by a dog of any other I ryisa fafti hpweeT that' ftraoEe a few? days filcej purfued a cat in State ft reel and bit her after which ihe became mad, and; wai came one hundred and forty pilfeogeii, 'f Aire. A few foreiga articles appear ad er our foreign head ibey.

are hut not very irnportant.rTbey afey. the iiie, Gardner, arrived at tbii pott, ii dayi fromGrecnockV.vC lz We aire Vbliged to. beccfeficed in fo'me taeafore to abllraS. The principal from nland, are ellibhlhed by London Gaietu; ol fictal accounis I 1 A'be inlurcnta and thb, king's troops ha 'two ot bemefpecialfy. de IpvueiiC which the Mt-er beea uniformly viUoiious.

At New Raft, 00 the 5th of Joc, toe icbeU Wtxc defeated wth tbe lU of up- tilled. 'But we have beard nothing For at tne pieature oy neir pro. prietora, are- aifo ebahhWd 1 neither can they he difpoledof the pltAfure. their lords, but. have the" pri vilege bf apf pealing to the courts of iuftice tor a re-? drefa of grievances; Tbefe propoBtions, it is added, were io agreeable to the frx" peror PauU that immediately Cgntbg them, with own hand, they pUcd mto 'a law.

'y Hitherto the Liyonian pcafantry were much mure up pre fled tbau ua The Ruffian ipealante hd thcr of the dog- lnltioce like-thcl y- a.yA( xtr3 tf a ittttf jrm a'gtntkma 0 re jptfrdbtdtyy tn ene jifpti ieitHtiu in ititUmiii kated hate but lately returned -from the Cunbetiand Couo try, i am. h'pty tntoim ou that the people there apuear tiMrtmH4WHn favor c.gwernmeot," hd tnuch op polcdto law aCnicltiUwUndian vha fpoie gouii Jicgbfhi he tnere etea number of Frenchmen cioie ur to the arrildn 00 the MiutTipp) thim he cxp'tttw. in tiii usua lead 'J? -L'A "Si CD LA a iHCDt rff And4Vtt. It l'nuribay night Ricjoa eutcrci 'the hbule occuiicd by tffrs'.

Jouidafl and Hougbwo. -Mr. Joiudaa Ceyt wi a grand daugbierj fix eara in tfc three days iaa- week to worh tor them lelves: thoffi of Ltvom3, only ooc day, and that tojazilmu a bonday..

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