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The Rutland Herald: A Register of the Times from Rutland, Vermont • 3

The Rutland Herald: A Register of the Times from Rutland, Vermont • 3

Rutland, Vermont
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

red at ih Cflober next tax of two pence on each acre of in i in faid town (public rights excepted) for the' pttr pole ol "repairing roads auri, buiijng bridges. iSAKllEL LA.RIX iinV.HTvcs of the chudre'n an4 Ywuihof the lown of Boflonjand noth iog at this hour, gives me fo rriuch Tileafmc a the malculinf temper and talent difplay id by the Youth A-metrca, in every part of it- oufcht not to forget the wo'rft'ent-tpv we "have t--'l hsir obloquy, wKjch you have cbferved, rhe word enemy to virtue, and the befl friend to vice it Trarijuility thus a rheafure re. ftoted. The r.ew fig of thq Roman Uepub.lic, is white, rof6 color, and rhe arms of the Republic it the figure of Brutus rifing out of the tomb. Several of the armed vefTels of the V.

Srt'tiis have pvtt to 'fea. Sons, of Salem have ofrcrtfd to government the loan of a fhip which will carry e8 warren. June s. l798 crd 'icutrnart of all the maritime coun tict in the Vinodnm, (a copy of which Stiver in this day's prner recommend ri tWtn to for r. aflociation in every ano" pointing out the meafuret Vhict; appear to be belt calculated for tarrying thts'plan into the fulleft effect.

"The letter important, and we ffcaVe no doubt Hut all cUfc-f or men will ec the Yieet'fli'y cf ftrengthening the of covernment by their perfonal GLASTENBURY. ltrivea to deftroy aft diftinftioni between tight and rong, it lead to divfnon, Njuris The fubferfetion foi ihe ftewDfcrvnart propVfctbrs cf GlafletiliYy, zvko: delinquent iti 'paytoerit ij the tax of two -dollars and feven cents, per right -voted by aid proprietors, at Heir leval ai edition, civil war, and military ldef; Services. In atTifiing their country, fhio is filled journei meeting for the ejiftnet they will afford the fureft protectren to Mir own families and property. "With thcc.rxHilar letter above alluded to, there was alfo Tent a paper, containing ptopofah fot rendering trie body ihc rxopte instrumental in the gcrr-xit) defence. Tor faving their property nd difl retime the enemy, by removing In Conneflicift, they aTfe em ployed in fortifvrng their Teapprts.

liis Brittnnic Majefly floop or" war Braak, Capr. was lately qverfet, off Cape Hentopen, by a fudden flaw of Vind, and the Captain, Lieutenant, and 38 officers. marines 1 i prif tootifrri, I need fay no more. JOHN ADAMS. Phrkdelphia, May 48.

4-FRESH DISPATCHES Yeftcrday Mr. William Les, and arrived in town from vf jurucyiTig ana anomng recoHa awt fiott i faid town art wti'fied, hat vnlefs ikey 'pay ike fame, tm Vr before the firfi day of hitptl fiext, lo -tie the fubjerv bcr, Jo fnuch of (and aj will dif il-. iT the means of futfiftfnee ircm threaten- oners penfhed of the crew about 25, efcaped in the boats. They hid juft captured a Spanifh vettei, with a cd parts of the country as alfo far in- Marblebead. where they were landed furing ibcheceaary fappties to tys ma- by a fifhing bwt, in winch they took jefty's force and facilitating their move, i paflagc off Cape Sables from on board roenti in cafe of an tnvafion without an American fhip bound from Bouj aking any extenfive preparation.

1 deaux to Philadelphia. Thefe gentle-This paper contains, iff. a plan for men have dif patches from our envoy in driving the live ftock of fuch part of France which are forwarded on to gov-thc country as may become xpofed to ernment They dined with the the inroads -of the enemy," as alfo for voya the- aay before they left Paris, laving other defcriptiom of property (soth March) from whom they learnt will on ihi.t 'day be fold, at two odok in the State Arps The dclinuenisYIV We ToJ lows; with the lutri ofHwo dollars and feven centiy due from each, Tit. Capt. Samuel Rohinfon, Phineh-as Pratt, Leonard Robinfon, Samuel Mofes obinfoti, Si- hs Robirilcn, David -ftobiofon, Jan athan Robinfon, Jofeph Pincheort, f(J, Gideon Lyroanj Efq.

Co). Thom-ai Doty Elq. Bjnjathjn Whipple, Gideon Lyman, jw. Gapt. 3Benjimiti Sheldon; Puinebar Lyman, Capt.

Nixon, Bfnjamia Sheldon, jun. Dm, el Lyman, q. Jdhn Lyman, jun. Males Bo'tlef; Rofwcll Lyman, John N-jfon i very valuable cargd, coqfifting of laoo tons of copper, tome cocoa Ac. which ria arrived in the Delaware.

By what We on gather jFrath dirtel-ent baf ts of the World, of the proceedings of the French, we arc apprehenffve that WAR can nojonger be avoided, and that we muft now defend ourfelves, or become flavei to a fet of the mod itifa mous men that ever difgraced human nature. In jhi ftate of affairs, we are happy to find that a piit of qniop, per. vades every part of the American States. approbation of the conduct of the Executive, with refpect to French affairs, and promiiing up-port, are daily flowing in to the Preh. much as pothole and tor render that the Directory were, lull deaf to the fog the bocy people inflruraen- voice of reafon, and tint ttl in the general defence, in cafe of an to leave the Republic (hortly.

iuac Ibomploa, fc-wftus Budly, EHhh 1. 0 1 of- ii. it, invalnn. adly A plan for an affociation of the nobility, gentry and yeomapry, to fup. Ijly fuch number of waggons, carts and horfes, in id of thc.provifion made by the mutiny afi, as may be -neceffary for Carrying on his majelty's fervice, as alio contribute to tWTupply of his ma.

jeftyV forces, with flour, wheat, oats cay, firtw, fuel, in cafe of an invafion and jdly A plan for infuring a -tegular Supply of bread to his tnajcfty't forces in'cale anivficn. ewburn in 1 dent, from all quarters. r.mrttV,n hlitt.ruirAmA an mA- I Hi Iti III Tobn Faffet, Jacob Silaa THE HERALD. mm i i i i "5 RUTLAND, Junk i8, 1798 THE Infuranco Company of Philadelphia have determined' not to infure upon any veffel bound to any French port.

Our European intelligence is brought down to the middle of April. The mod important articles ar inlertcd under the foreign heads. If we are to judge from the accounts, it is probable a defcent drefs of the above (lamp. Charlefton, S. C.

has not only addreffedi but the inhabitants have fubferibed a large fura of money to be appropriated to the de. fence of the country: Gov. Sevier- of Tfinneflc, writes that be (hall, with the good people. of his Oate, lend every aid and afliftance in their power, to protecV and fupport the bctneftic Inteltigivcc. on Englaud has already been attempted.

Pratt, Frederick Howe, John Naomi Lyman, John Moffit, of Bjftoofc Samuel' Gill, of Panlmoutb, WJltam Libert of Boaon. Bildad Wright James Fray, James Fray, jun. Reubea Fray, I faac Frayg Benjamin More, Reuben Wright.jun.Dm or Dar.iel Sheldon.EUjtb WtighJoiepb, Wood, John Elliot, Stephen Cnats, O-liver Rice, Georg? Abbot, Richard Wt bt'd; fa. Daniel Warner q. ftamel Little, Elcj.

Capt. Thomas Mnio, Stephen, John VVentworth, Bcnoing Wentwottb, Byfield Lloyd Efq. Paul Marcb, Bending Wentvorth, Capt. John Wentworth, of Kittera, SAMUEL HICK Col. Bennington, Juue co, 1798.

6 Theiilueof this mealure will be high honor and dignity of our country. ly iniercfting both to Europe and A-; The people in every part of the Union, raerlca. It appears that the French e. fermtobe agreed in a determined re(o-Ieaions; in March laft, were carried on tution t0 fupp0rt the Independence. With con Adet able tumult and that not Sovereignty, and Honor of their coun.

the' Diretlorv adoDted PHILADELPHI May tSt YESTERPAY at eleven o'clock the fecretary of war accompanied by Capt. Barry, commander of the frig- try. ana not to luomtt to any rrencn in. everyrnea urc men power, .0 pre- fl uCnc. uart; e.

d- cree. or dir members of the v. I vent the election ot any ges, went on rd the la lef and fc fc jeltvered his orders to Capt; Dale, On; ul6 SaLm, (Maff.) jorw. On Sunday two Gentlemen, Mcffri. Utvinir th (htn lalit 'w t.ritn take their feats, as the laciflature Hopkins and Lee, arrived at Marble- filed imrriediately-sfter which, (he weighed anchor, to proceed to her crmf ing ttation.

has the power to rejeft them. No bead from France, and yefterday pro mention of the eteclion of a new diceeded on their rout to Philadelphia, The difluibances in Ireland having difpa'ches from the American are very great the country was declar- Envoys, They were in a vcflel ff on proclamauon, on the 30 of Bordeaux bound to the fouthward but March to be in a (late of civil war. I meeting with a Marblebcad fiiherman, Important changes arc taking place trjey went on bMrd her, in expeQaiion in the Spanifh Mimftry. The princo of arrivina fooner at the feat of gov-of peace ha refigued, and M. baavedra Thf.

niUr.n AA an BOSION, May go TOUNG MEN OF BOSTON I -On Monday evening the commirree of 'the Men of Bcfton, received tl IS prima uniuubi, uiyviuuniiy. tnc anlwer frctn the Prefident or the U- fupped with the Envoy 1 on the iS 1' 1 1 in 1 1 I I l.l nited States, 1 their, excellent aodrefs, cnange s.i, aounrs, to there of Mtch who infoimed them, 'hat tl h. tavnraAie to ine viewt or Stray Boys. RAN A WAY from the fubferiberi on rvening of the third inft. jfune two apprentice Boys -the one named Benjamia Elfworth.froM Hopkins ley, years of age, dark complexion, middling fir The other from jLimars Noblr, lixieen years of age, namec! phtx Rofs, very flint, light compieKion Whoever will take up faid jys or Biy and return thenj or either thern fhall have two cems eacty reward, and no charges paid.

Ail perfopi are forbid, harboring or trufting faid Bovs HOPKINS, ROWLEV LIM AN NOBLE. Sborehanj, June 5, 1790. 0 iome time fincc' inierted and yciter All French emigrants vcrc ordered "7" leave Spain. The king of Naples accommodation, iui inc uewu.y appeared to have been expcting a tra- would not relax tbeir demands, and that they were determined to leve tern al vi fit fiom the-trench but not being very forid of their embraces, waf preparing to re lift them. It wa thought that the overthrow of that monarchy was fcrioufly contemplated.

Great France immediately They may therefore be (hortly expe tied in America. Mr S' Pmckney and Mar. fhall had been treated Very cavalierly while in Paris the Directory pretend ing, thai the fending of them was an infult, becaufe the fir ft had been once rejected the other was known to be in the Englifh intereft But Mr. Gerry (who they lay was Cent merely to make the others acceptable) had been treated with more At the fame time the utmoft harmony had fubfifted be. tween all three, and that they had atted perfectly together in every thing.

Thefe gentlemen further inform, that ok-binding r. The fubfefibers xp day at one o'clock, feyeral hundreds of them sflen.bled at Fanienl Hall to hear it read It was received with loud and fvnceie acclamations, in which many of the more aged joined. ANSW Of the PRESIDENT of the United the YOUNG MEN ol Bw TON GkntlcmEm, It is impoif ble for you to enter your own Fanteuel or to throw your eves on the variegated mountains and elegant ilVmda around you, without recollect rng the nrmciples andVantiions of your fathers and teeing what is due to their example One of their firft prin-iples wa to unite in thcmfelve the cbaraQer of Citizec and Soldier, and clpecially to prclerve the li.fer always fubordinatc to the former. With much lolicitudc for your el fare, and that of your poUcriiy, I take the freedom to fay, that thi country Tiever appeared to me to be in greater danger, than at this moment, from wifaio or wikhoui--nevcr more urgently excited, to aliume the functions of iiol-dicrs. thefrate of the world is fuch, the fi tuation of ell the niens of Lurope, wi which we -have ulztiiii'i, is critical, thai vicitTitocws rt uR be expected, from whole deleterious lritfuenct no.h.

ing but aris and energy cn srrotecr lo my Voue t'ttimos 10 it Ji.a tir.CMUy ty ica, to Oe inform the public, that ihey the new elections in Fratce were come I a i ll A thru un- nn rl-uair ufa trnm ry on the lSuUti-31 SUING ffufinefs in its variant branches, in tht of Mr, Afhbel Coq, eppojitt Mr. Butler's Siote ftij toL north af military preparations are making on thd frontiers of Italy the object of which was not diftintlly known. There have been fome difturbances atRorne.fince French republicanifm was eftaohlhed there, occaiioned by fome of the French officers taking from the churches and palaces, and trom individuals, a conhdet able quantity of valuable property, over ad above the heavy and opprdhve legal contribu Hons. i great cry was raifed, again ft, theie and fome of the French officers joined in the oopular indtgna lion, and rcmonltrated in very ft rod teions, to the Commander in chief, a. gainlt the abules.

This rtmonilrance cccaAoncd a divifion among the French loldicrs. ScvciaJ violent ikirmifhesen-lucd, and lumc blood was was i fpilt i but the rtmonflratidg party prevailed. The people, however, were not faifs-fied. lhey allnbled in crouds, and inaliacred every Frenchman they met, and ionic democratic inhabitants to. with their wives and children.

The inhabitants of other. fcvral towns alio raifed thct1anlard of many lives vere iolt. fne Frftncn m.up, however, partly by force, and Paris to Bordeaux and, that theU might not iffuo in a manner contrary to the views of the Directory, a general im prilonment took plce at once, of ajl who)wcre iuppoicd to be unfriendly to They farther fay, 'hat there Is fio doubt that the people are heartily fick of the war and af th goerhmcnt-bac Directory countrol every thing )iy. the military fores which they roott 'punctually and liberally maintain from an arapic trcalury. the Court KutlabJ.

Orders bt Post or oihrwife, will be carefully atUnded id, thb work txeiuted with nedttic's and dipaichi and the Jmaliejl favor gtatefutly Jtru)w ledgedi StilTlt WARREN May $6, 'y8i tti. fl; Old Book reboumU WARREN. tied a the Ihws -fhilJ dirtrt. kt us rc. (urt to: af cry igumit fiivrst whir vc now its and iccj, lsuho'.

oc i.Su BLANK BOOKS of any efepiptim mads in the neattjt Spelling- ti9oki or fafe at fie above place. BOOKS given fdr CLEAN CO ('fa-sT ad UMUN K.Ati.'i, at THG proprieturs of Warren, io the county of Addifoit. and itte of Vcr' lone, are hereby ro.ifitcT, tnt a pcti iivn will he tirefenrJ tutiei ext Gen- rtuy Dy ineaiurc, hnally reVatledi They reiue'tcd thej irihibi jilts to name me loubcrs, arid tOgtvc an eltiuutc of the property, a proitnic tht ih i-kiil Ihoii.u OV lKUIli, riiAUN, or jl-S ICt in ch'iki my (iiiiiuiiil, ai.d me 'roj'erty rc'torcu. xy vl 1 to be cooca OPiriMAl TAIK'FH.

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